Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Disease is such a burden!

When I was about 5 I was playing in the back yard of our neighbors house with two other friends, the two other friends went inside, and as I sat on the swing I saw some beady little eyes staring back at me. I walked up to the fence only to find a little girl the same age and height as me staring back. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Hi, what's your name?" "Mistie, what's your name?" "Christianna" "What are you doing?" "I was playing on the swing, waiting for Little Amanda and Big Amanda to come back outside" "Do you want to go to the park with me?" "Sure, I have to go ask my mom!" turned out that my mom had went to high school with her mom! 14 Years later....we are still friends and she has a daughter who's 1 and a half who could be her twin...she looks just like Mistie, when I first met her! This same friend she's the same age as myself..she's only younger by a couple months.....was just diagnosed with cervical cancer not too long 19 with a child she's got cervical cancer.
Another family of my mom's friends who knew my mom before I was even born has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclarosis, AND is going blind due to some disease that apparently she caught from having a baby? She of all people is one of the most undeserving people to get cancer, no one deserves it really, but she is one of the sweetest, most giving, caring people I know....and her 1 year old son is just like her!
Along with those two I have to throw in my 53 year old grandma who has battled lung cancer, got rid of it, and now has got some other kind of cancer...I don't even know what kind, but they found a spot on her brain, she went to peoria to get a special kind of radiation. I wish she was the same as she was before all of the radiation...I really do. Her mind is like a yo-yo...she called up my aunt the week before last and told her she bumped her head on the cabanet and knocked herself's funny, but really it's not at hurts me. And she is never and will never be a burden for me, it's the CANCER, it's the DISEASE that burdens me. I am forced to take care of her and look after her because my uncle and my mom both work alot and that's fine but it can be really scarey because what if she decides to have a horrible outburst like she did the night my mom was there with me and I have to call 911 because she starts throwing things, ripping things apart, and popping pills because she forgot she already took them and she's so strong you can't really stop her from popping another one?...not to mension my own health problems that I like to neglect and just hope it's okay because I'm too busy worrying about these because they are more important to me. Truth is I need to stop worrying so much because I'm sick of crying myself to sleep every night...but how do I stop worrying so much? Is it possible?
-Just Christianna

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

yep live life and limit worring

Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me