Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Little Sweetheart <3

<---That's my girl, Paige! I remember when I first got to hold her at the hospital...she was so tiny, and I was only 10 or maybe even younger and I changed her diaper and took care of her just like she was my own! They grow so fast!...and as the years quickly fade I see her growing into a little lady...in just 4 years she'll be a teenager!...but I can wait for that..I will enjoy the time I have before she hits teenage years! Her birthday is Thursday and she will be 9! It seems like just yesterday when she was this little....
...What a sweetheart! I was sitting at the computer today and I peered out of the corner of my eye only to find her standing next to me on a step ladder holding a tiny training bra in her hand...all fancy with a snap in the middle and everything...haha! The only thing I could say was very cool! Lol and I was thinking, you don't need one right now but wait until you do, hold off babygirl, and don't grow up too fast. Oh how I love my little sweetheart...who at the moment is sitting right at my side as always. Boy, they sure do grow up fast. I will enjoy the time I have before she has to wear REAL bras!...*MUAH* Love her! Couldn't find any other words to say, I am left speechless...in the mean time I am about to go tuck her into bed. Goodnite all! Enjoy the time you have with all of your little sweethearts because time is ticking and flowers are fading!
-Christianna Denise

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