Monday, October 27, 2008

A Cause I Believe In Part 1

It's everywhere...plastered on the cover of magazines, cd's, in clothing stores, on tv, and even you might have some on your facebook or myspace...what am I talking about? Anything that sparks the flame of sex appeal!...

One of the key sayings in the fashion and celeb worlds are "Sex sells!"'s sad but very true! It's everywhere! Those outfits yes, they are all cute...but they were meant for the privacy of your own home with a husband, not for you to wear out in public to a Halloween Party! I was looking at a friend's pictures today and saddened that they thought sex appeal was a fun way to take every picture...the sad thing is I myself have a few pictures that might spark that flame also even though it was not intended! But here is my question...Why do you have to basically sell your body in order to sell a product?! Does it make the product any less in value if the model were to just smile or not do anything concidered sexy? I dunno it's their own choice. If selling their body to sell a product makes them happy then by all means I am not going to stop you but think about this....there are women and even CHILDREN out there who are being sold into sex slavery this very minute not by choice, BY FORCE!!! I don't know about you but last time I heard, being forced to have sex with someone is RAPE! Around 30,000 of the women and children, who in the sex trafficing world are called Brothels, being sold to sex slavery DIE from abuse, torture, neglect, and disease! 30,000!!!! That's 30,000 more people who could be sold out for Jesus instead!!! There is no one there to tell them that they can free themselves from it, that they are pure in the eyes of Christ because they don't know anything but what they are dealing with day after day! They are sold into sex slavery..and sadly that's all they know! This is sad, "break my heart for what breaks yours" heart is torn into shreds for these women and children who need to be freed! So think about this.....What if you were one of them? Put yourself in their shoes for a minute! What if you were kidnapped and forced to perform sex acts with complete strangers!? What can you do to help? starts with intended sex appeal..."Sex sells"...why yes, it does but there are other ways to sell things without having to do it in a sexual manner! When I look around and see everything around me has to include some kind of sexual things, it pisses me off because I have my reasons why I HATE anything having to do with sex! sickens me.

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