Monday, October 20, 2008

Things To Work On

Here a some things I've discovered that I need to work on...If you wanna help me with any of these be my guest, I'd appreciate it!
*Becoming better, learning more, and learning to be more confident with singing
*Reading my bible and being better at praying
*Coming out of my room more often, instead of caging myself up in it!
*Organization- I used to be so good at it, and now I just never know where to start unless it's someone else's things
*Eating healthier and taking vitamins, so that I get sick less this winter...last winter my record for strep was 8 times..and YES I still have my tonsils! But the only thing is I am a super picky eater, and I don't exactly know what it means to eat healthy since my outlook on all food is that every bit of it can make you fat, and even when I eat something healthy I still feel like I shouldn't be eating it and I really wish we didn't have to eat to survive because I still have a strong dislike for food!
*Learning how to catch all of my falling relationships before they completely hit the ground and shatter and growing closer to those who I am close to, to prevent a falling relationship with them!
*Having more faith in everything!

Any contributes will help! Books, advice, 1 on 1 talks, ANYTHING! I'd like to reach all of these goals beyond what I can imagine, and I have much desire to do so!

-Christianna Denise
p.s. I love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man, I wish I disliked food... I lovee it wayyy to much! Haha! Love ya!