Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Mix 08' Aftermath

So lately my emotions have been going haywire on me anyways, but The Mix 08' freaking ROCKED me! I've never cried so much, so hard, I've never cried so many different emotions in my life....I'm actually sad that it's over. At first I felt like I wasn't ready to be in charge, I wasn't ready to be a roomleader, or any kind of leader for that matter!....and now where I wish to be is there, and I didn't want to leave!....I'd do it again! I realized how truly broken I still was from things I thought I had let go, until then and keeping my TRUE feelings inside for so long (1 year and 10 years) has left a huge gash in my heart, that is now waiting to be mend back together!...I realized how alone I still felt, how hurt I still was from this 10 year burden....and once I let go I realized that it had created a gash in my heart because of how much it truely effected me and that the gash it left needs to be mend back together. I also felt like I grew up a little too. When I was about 9 or 10 I started hanging out with my mom and her friends more than my own friends, and I became much older at a young age and then completely stopped hanging around with my own friends because I was much more mature mentally then they were...when my mom and her friends would talk about "grown up things" as they called it I would listen and then go to someone later about anything I didn't understand and they'd explain it to me...eventually when I was 11 I didn't have to ask anyone really what these things meant...I already knew. Then fastforward some years and in highschool I kind of tried to unlearn some of the things I knew that I shouldn't have known at such a young age, so I started hanging out with kids younger than me and I started acting younger, instead of acting more my age...and I had been stuck there ever since. I naturally feel more comfortable hanging around with people who are older than me, rather than people who are my age, or younger than me and when I was 9 or 10 I shouldn't have, but now I need to...I need to hang out with people who are older than me and are good needless to say if you are in your 20 somethings, and I know you, hit me up if you're bored and or just wanna hang!
Father, I thank you that you are a faithful deliverer! Thank you for messing me up this weekend!
-Christianna Denise

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