Friday, October 24, 2008


I believe that inspiration can be hard to find at times. Those times when you just feel like blah, unloved, or maybe it's just the change of season...that is when you need inspiration. At any moment you are saseptable to find it but you just aren't looking hard enough, and finally you rest a little and then without effort, you find the inspiration you've been looking for. One of my biggest inspirations have always been music. Today I was watching August Rush and I really got to thinking about it. Music really IS everywhere. It's all around us and we don't realize, all we have to do is listen. It's in the trees that move to the beat of the wind, it's in all of the sounds of the city, whether it's a car honking, feet walking, music is EVERYWHERE....especially in the voice of God. The truth is that lately I have gotten so much inspiration out of Austin, Amanda, Justin, pretty much everyone at the church and everything happening for the church, the whole Matthew West thing...I feel so pushed..I want to do something big with the only instrument I have learned pretty voice! I really do have this huge desire that I cannot explain and I don't know what to do. I know that I would love to have someone help me to find my voice more. All I know is that I want to amaze people, I want to use what I've got to bring them closer to God, closer to Jesus, and I want to inspire THEM!! The only's hurting my heart that I do not know where to start...but this desire is pushing and dragging my emotions like crazy...lately it doesn't take much to make me cry, OR make me happy! Final thoughts...let the music around you lead you where it wants you to go (music=God). What inspires you? Any thoughts or comments??
-Christianna Denise
p.s. I love you!

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