Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mic. Check, Reality Check, Debut Part 2!...

So.....Part 2....
Mic Check: Practice was ummm interesting...and my first mic. check will never be my last and the oddness of saying "check" into the mic will always be just a bit awkward I was quite funny actually...Shannon "SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!"...Me "CHECKKK!!!". Then practice resumes and Austin "Can you hear yourself okay?"..Me I shake my head but really I'm thinking "Yeah if I scream"...too shy to say no no I really can't lol! As practice resumed I started to think..
Here's the reality check..."OMGSH!, Are you freaking serious? Is this REALLY happening? I freaking walked into the church and SAID I was gonna be here in this spot and I'm standing here!" that point I got a bit teary eyed and I wanted to jump up and down with JOY saying "PRAISE JESUS!"....but I chose not to since I'm 100% sure that that would draw some attention..I try to do the least of that!
Debut: As the time countdown is showing my heart starts pumping faster 30, 29, 28...OH GOSH the adrenaline rush I get before is what pushes me to continue! The music starts and I immediately was brought into what I like to call "The Zone", which I will explain shortly, and I was no longer nervous, no longer getting that adrenaline rush, but I was comfortable because it was me and God!.."The Zone" is my favorite place to be, and that is when I grow the MOST in my faith, it only makes me want to worship praise and thank God, even MORE!'s when I feel that nervousness and that adrenaline rush lifted off of my body and as I am doing whatever it is I literally forget that everyone else is there, like I'm listening to a cd and worshiping or something, and It's me, God, and the music that's playing keeps us in unity, keeps us in sync with each other! "Sing to me a new song"...I sang this morning for God to be my voice...and as I was in "The Zone, I felt it! I FELT IT!...At some point I felt my lips moving, I felt and heard what was coming out, but at the same time I felt like it wasn't my own voice, but this voice lifted me higher than anything! At the point where I started coming back from "The Zone", I felt the biggest sigh of relief and I felt as if something was telling me that as far as ministry goes, it's where I belong, it's where I will learn to grow the most, and it's where God has placed me for a reason! I finally felt important enough to be a part of something and it can only get better from here! Although I really do believe, and I always do believe that I coulda done better...but it'll do for my first time!! Once I get more experience I'll let out like a ball of fire...believe me! I could become the next Amanda Dean!....haha I know that's funny I'm laughing too, if only I could be that anointed, there's only one of those!...WELL I'll have to settle for becoming the next Christianna Crosby..oh wait i am her.. seriously tho, I can always listen and learn from my influences, yes Amanda that includes you, and I'll find my own voice and grow from it! I believe it and if you do too "Can I get an Amen?!" lol! Much love peace music...I'm pretty pooped from an exciting night! (we all know I'll be up 4 another 3 hours)
-Christianna Denise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha!!! I think Shannon and I both knew you couldn't hear yourself as we were both like "ok turn her up!"

I STILL get that adrenaline rush/nervous feeling watching the countdown before the music starts!

I see God using you in HUGE ways in the music ministry. Stay in "the Zone." Promotion comes from the Lord!