Thursday, November 13, 2008

Footprints In The Sand...

In the poem Footprints in the sand by Mary Stevenson, a man has a dream that he's walking along the beach with God while scenes from his life are flashing in the sky. For most of the scenes the man sees two sets of footprints in the sand, one belongs to him, one belongs to God but the man noticed that during the really tough times in his life, there was only ONE set of footprints..he began assuming that there was only one set of footprints because during those hard times God left him alone...The man then asked God why he left him alone in such difficult times in his life...and God replies that he didn't leave the man alone, he was carrying the man during those times and that's why there was only one set of footprints. It is neat to hear other people's perspectives on this poem because everyone has a different perspective. Solely the meaning of this poem is to let us know that we are never alone...sometimes you may see only one set of prints, but don't be mistaken, it's not because God has abandoned you, it's because you have failed to realize that he's carrying you. Now think about a footprint, when someone leaves a footprint anywhere, even if the footprint goes away sight wise, it's still there because our skin will leave traces of oil there...even though we can't see it. In a same but different kind of way, our friends leave footprints in our hearts..10 years down the road you might not even hang out at all but when you see something that reminds you of a friend, even if you haven't hung out, you'll say oh this reminds me of the time me and...went here. Each of my friends and family have left their mark, their footprints, in my heart, and in my life..they've all taught me SOMETHING and no matter how big or small of a difference they think that something will make or has made, it's something that I will take to heart, learn from, and dish out in tons of love!!..and I hope that the same way they've left theirs, I leave mine! Think about this...Who has made footprints in your heart? In your life? Have you told them lately how much you love and appreciate them? I try to tell the ones I love that I love them as much as I can because one of the things I learned from my dad's death is that you NEVER KNOW when it's supposed to be their time, and we take lightly to the words I Love You almost as if we're taking it for granted...CHERISH each moment, soak it in, and let them know how much you love them....I mean this in this strongest way possible: I LOVE YOU!!

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