Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Healthy Reminder

Yesterday I watched a movie called Wall-E...I was expecting one of those awww how cute kind of kids movies...and it was but I also realized that there was MORE to that movie than just a cute kids character!...and it kind of opened my eyes a little bit! Austin has inspired this post with his recent post. So anyways here is why this movie opened my eyes...The plot...Wall-E is a little trash compacter, and every day he goes out compacts trash and he makes skyscrapers out of the trash squares that he compacts. Wall-E and his little cockroach friend are the only ones left on earth because us humans didn't take care of the earth and there was so much waste on the earth that we could no longer live here, it was so bad that NO life form even exsisted on the earth anymore! Not grass, not trees NOTHING, there was only a bunch of waste, trash, garbage, and dirt! Since us humans couldn't live on the earth anymore we moved out to space and we lived in this HUGE space shuttle like thing and we were all fat, so fat that we couldn't even walk, NO ONE was skinny at all because technology advanced so much that the robots did EVERYTHING for us...brushed our teeth, our hair, dressed us, helped us get places...everything. So then I started really thinking about the plot...When we throw things in the garbage and the garbage man takes it, where does it go? To a big landfield type really eventually those landfields are going to be full, then where are they gonna put the trash?...evenutally the earth could look like that if we do not take care of it. I have decided I am going to research and study about going green, then I'm gonna do it! All of you may be sick of people telling u to go green BUT it is SO very important and you don't even realize it! Please research and study going green with me and then get as many people as possible to go green with you!!

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