Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Christmas Wish List

My Christmas wish lists are always filled with these kinds of things rather than "stuff"...some of you might think it's pathetic, but this is 200% SERIOUSLY my Christmas wish list this year...

*A clean bill of health-let me tell you my last visit was anything but that and considering when ppl were out of town for the marriage treat I was in the hospital, sick...this happens to be a far fetch of a wish considering I do NOT have insurance anymore which means it costs a fortune for me to even walk in the freaking door!
*Court to be OVER already!-it's freaking been a YEAR! I don't even care as long as my daddy finally gets a gravestone! That's all I ask for out of this...I don't care about that mean, greedy lady who none of us knows, I don't care about the company and all of the workers lieing through their teeth about pretty much everything (okay I care a little), but solely I don't care about any of that as long as daddy gets his gravestone finally!..he deserves it! Sure he made mistakes, who doesn't?...but he deserves to at least have one!
*I want my family to come to church with least once!!
*Cancer/sickness healing of my 3 close family members-It hurts me so much to see them suffering! With all of the heavy medication I am never sure what the day is going to bring...Are they going to accidentally burn the house down while no one is watching and there's no one to be there with them? Are they going to wake up today? Are they going to accidentally overdose on their medication because they are so out of it? Are they going to hurt ME because they don't realize what they're doing? I just never know. What the heck is the point of stupid chemotherapy anyways?! All it does is make you even more sick and then 90% of the time the person just ends up dieing from getting so sick from the chemotherapy because it didn't help and the cancer just spread further. I hate seeing people suffer, especially when they are close to me....on my list of things I absolutely hate I have to say that this makes the top 3, that's how much I hate it!

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