Friday, October 10, 2008

A Day I Won't Forget (A Year Ago)

A year ago today is a day I will never in my life, forget. Here is exactly how my day went...

I woke up at 7:30 to get ready for school, which I happen to live 5 mins away from. Headed to my first class Art Appreciation, second class Speech, then met Justine to walk to Math class with her.We had a test that the teacher was passing out the test a lady comes in, talks to the teacher and then calls me out to the hallway. "Your mom called and said you need to call her right away. There's been a medical emergency." So she takes me upstairs, on my way up my heart is racing a million miles an hour, my stomach is churning, and so many thoughts of what it could be were running through my mind.."Oh, no, I wonder what happened to Granny. I hope Crenesto is okay(my uncle)."...trying to prep myself for what I thought would be the worst news. "You can use this phone right here to call your mom"...
"Trinity Medical Center, this is Davonda speaking"
"Hi, aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Yeah, but someone called the school and said you called and said there was a medical emergency and I needed to call you"
"That's funny, I didn't call. It wasn't me..but that's kind of wierd because Jeanie called me 6 times on my cellphone but I missed all of her calls"
"I hope Mistie is okay. I hope nothing happened to her"
"Oh hold on...she's calling right now"...then she switches phones and is talking as I'm trying to listen to see if I can hear anything.
"Chris, go back to class, We'll talk when you get home okay?"...she says in a someone died kind of voice.
"Okay, bye"...I say in a scared choking back tears kind of voice.

I didn't know what was going on but as I was walking back to class I was choking back tears the whole time worried that something happened to one of my best friend's and I'd known her since I was 5, and she has a kid, how is Addie going to live without her mother. So I decided I couldn't sit in class and just went back to get my stuff and tell the teacher I wouldn't be back in class, then head to my car to go home.
As I arrive home my mom is coming down the street at the same time as a fast speed and pulls into the driveway. I park my car, get out, and head inside and set my stuff down.
"I think you should sit down"
"Chris, there was an accident this morning with your dad"
"What happened? Is he gonna be okay?"
"He was working on a roof this morning around 8 or so and he accidentally stepped on the skylight and fell through it. The fall was 16 feet, he fell pretty hard...he didn't make it"
I then start babbling and crying histerically..."But I just saw him last night! I talked to him! He was there! He came into work to see me and we sat at the table with Heather and talked! HE WAS THERE I SAW HIM!!!!"
"I'm so sorry Chris."
"But he was there.."
"He came to visit you?"
"Yeah, I called him because I wanted to talk to him and we weren't busy at all so we talked for like 30 mins and then he said that he would see if Heather would bring him to see me and he said "Maybe you'll have to cook me some dinner"..and then when he got there he tried ordering one of everything on the menu. I saw him...he was there!"
"What are you doing today?"
"I need to go run some errends before Nicole picks me up for KYC."
"Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea for you to drive."
"I'll be fine! I need to go...I have to run some errends!"
I walked down the driveway back to my car and drove off. At that point I didn't know that I would be the one signing papers, choosing where his body went, I didn't know that the two sides of the family The Dietches and The Whipples would be fighting because the Whipples didn't want him where I chose, at that point I didn't know that a year later we'd be getting a lawyer because his work company LIED and because of their lies he could be alive today! I DIDNT KNOW THAT A YEAR LATER WE'D STILL BE JUST GETTING STARTED WITH THE COURT CASES FOR TWO DIFFERENT REASONS!
Daddy, I love you so much and still long to jump into your arms and just hear your voice one more time because there is no love like the unconditional love of a parent! I still sometimes don't realize that when I go to your house, you will not be there greeting me at the door "Hi Honey. I missed you!" I still sometimes don't realize that you will not be walking me down the isle at my wedding..instead you'll be a memory that I once had. We all still miss you, and the boys are starting to look more like you each time I see them (Kota acts so much like you!). And I really hope that you are at peace because sometimes what's going on here makes it hard to believe that it's even possible to be at peace (court). You're in my heart, and part of the reason I am where I am today...getting to know Jesus like I should be. I know you'd be happy for me because you always were. Like you always said to me "Love ya more!" and I'll "Always be your little girl!"
-Christianna Denise Crosby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! i know today might be alittle tough for you- but just remember- i know your dad wouldnt want to see you sad. ithink he would want you to remember all the good stuff. try not to think about that day- try to think about the days before- it is hard to love and it does hurt sometimes- but i think the pain that comes from love makes it more meaningful. its more real that way. Love you!! if i dont see ya- have a marvelous day!