Sunday, October 19, 2008

Court and Prayer

Last year, my dad's death lead to many many issues, some that are still trying to be solved! First we found out about the company lieing about the protection being up, which wasn't until they'd found that he fell. Then, we found out about some lady that claimed to still be his wife that he was married to a LONG time ago, whom wanted the money to pay for a child that she claimed was his, which turned out not to be after my dad's wife-to-be had to collect his tooth brush and hairbrush in order to get the DNA test to prove her wrong, but the court LOST the divorce papers and it is not on file so therefore this lady that none of us even knew still exsisted because her mother said she'd died is still concidered his wife and might get some of the money IF we get any from the company who lied and is being sued, and it's almost a 300,000 dollar lawsuit!....Here is what gets me the most.....this woman has not even claimed any part of my dad until she learned about the company being sued, and she is ledgable to get part of the money when my dad has us 5 kids that mattered the most to him...I don't care about if I get any part of this...what I care about is my 3 younger siblings being taken care of, what I care about is after my family paid the costs for everything else, the headstone has not been paid for's been a YEAR and my dad does NOT have a headstone for his grave! What I care about is all of this CRAP effecting my younger siblings in a bad youngest brother just turned 9, and he doesn't even understand anything that's gone on so far really. His response to the visitation was "Look sissy, you can touch him!" What I care about is us all finally feeling like my dad can truly rest! I have been meeting with Heather (the fiance') and the lawyer and all the lawyer keeps saying is that it doesn't look good. I'm scared! I don't know what to expect! I'm expected to show up to these court dates cuz if anything needs to be signed I have to sign for it since my dad's parents aren't alive that means I'm next for all decisionmaking and I don't even know when the next one is! I am pushed to to limit with this, and I didn't make the decision to be involved, I have to be!...I am also all alone in dealing with this, I don't know my dad's side of the family, my siblings and 1 aunt, that's all I know...but I am not around them enough. Is it bad to feel like sometimes prayer isn't enough? What more can I do to make light of this situation?, which is WAY more complicated than I've even written here. HELP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not alone. You have a family in all of us. God is going to work it all out for His glory!