Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Response to: So many options

So many times I sit here and think man, I wish I had artistic ability, I wish I could play guitar, I wish I could learn to play the piano better, I wish I could sing like her, I wish I could dance like that....but I have discovered that it's because I am not 100% sure of my capabilities. I haven't completely discovered what I am fully capable of yet and since others question whether I'm good enough at the only things I really know (performing), I also question whether I'm good enough and often bring myself down because my talent doesn't measure up to this person's or that person's. Ever since I was old enough to stand on my own my mother could always tell that I had a love for dancing and music as a whole. She said when I wasn't able to stand on my own at about 6 months she would stand me up on her lap and turn on the music and I would start moving my feet and bouncing up and down to the beat of the music and as soon as they turned the music on I started screaming and crying but when they turned it back on I stopped crying and started bopping along with the music again. Then when I was a little older probably about 3-5 I started begging my mom to put me into dance classes, and telling everyone that when I grew up I was gonna be a ballerina, lol. Well then when I turned 10 I finally got my wish with a little something extra: gymnastics! I did the whole dance thing, and gymanstics, and my mom believed in me enough to let me compete. To this day I would still LOVE to be in every dance class possible, do gymnastics and compete....and I would LOVE to be an actress and do shows....I would LOVE to sing, dance, and act my heart out in front of millions of people, I absolutely LOVE the stage life, the 2 minute scene changes, the 1 minute costume changes backstage, the crunch time and busyness the week of the show, I love every second of it BUT I don't want to do it for me anymore....I want to do it for his glory! I want to do it to inspire others to live for Christ too!! I also enjoy writing, and have been blessed with the gift to write great things....I have won awards, and also gotten my work published in a book!! I would LOVE to write a play or a musical, be in it, and cast others to play other parts and perform it on stage someday! I would also LOVE to be a part of a BIG production someday! If money were NOT and object I would hop on a plane to New York right now (and I'd bring some friends), and I'd go to audition, after audition and I'd get a modeling and talent agent from Ford Models, Elite Model Management or any other of the big names. I have BIG BIG dreams that would take ALOT of wishing hoping and praying to even get a foot in any kind of door. BUT of them all two of my biggest dreams are to become a mommy and a wife and at least adopt 1 child and raise a wonderful family and hopefully be a great mommy and wife, AND to greatly impact someone's life and inspire someone for the glory of the one and only savior! The most important thing to me when it comes to my gifts is that God gets all of the glory for what I do instead of ME because if it weren't for him nothing would be possible. The sun wouldn't shine, the stars wouldn't exsist, and the people in your life that inspire you wouldn't exsist either. How could you look around at everything made so beautifully and NOT think that there's a God that created it all with his own hands?

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