Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So last night I was in an emo mood...well that's what it would be categorized as...but anyways I am normally a joyful person, but just I felt emoish yesterday and well I decided to write emo lyrics to go with my mood...I felt better afterwards :0)...well anyways...I was contemplating on whether or not to post these lyrics or not but I decided to....WARNING-I'm not gonna lie they are pretty depressing...This wasn't really aimed towards anyone in particular so if you think I'm angry at you I am not, I promise! Well without further ado..here is Gone:

How would you feel if I was gone tomorrow?
Would you feel bad for ignoring my scream?
Would you feel okay for not wiping my tears
that stream down my face and soak my sleeve?
Could you live with yourself knowing you ignored my cry?
Asking God why like I did many times

If I was gone gone gone
How would you feel?
If this moment when away
Would you have anything to say?
If I was gone

Am I even that important?
Do you even care?
The tears still stream each night
And soak my sleeves
As I listen to the sound of blowing leaves
How many times did you ignore her screams
asking God why?

If I was gone gone gone
How would you feel?
If this moment when away
Would you have anything to say?
If I was gone

I've asked God many times
Where do I belong?
Can't you hear my cry?
Can you look me in my tear filled eyes
and tell me it'll be alright?

If I was gone gone gone
How would you feel?
If this moment when away
Would you have anything to say?

If I was gone gone gone
How would you feel?
If this moment when away
Would you have anything to say?
If I was gone

© Christianna Crosby December 2008

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