Monday, December 15, 2008

Hidden Talent

Nicole, and I were sitting yesterday talking and she brought up a subject that is barely talked about that I believe we could all learn to grow!...Hidden talent/Hidden Gifts! A hidden talent is described as a gift you have that not very many people know about, or a gift you know you have but don't try to excel in and kinda push it behind you like it's not as important so that no one knows about it. Everyone has one. For of mine is writing. I write stories, poems, songs, and have even won multiple awards and gotten them published online and in books!...but not many people know this because I don't really talk about it as much as I do performing....but I really do enjoy writing. I think that instead of hiding our gifts we should embrace every gift God has given and handpicked for us, tap into them more and get as good at them as we are the at the gifts we use all the time! So I was really seriously interested to know...what are YOUR hidden talents????? And how do you think you can tap into that gift more??
-Beautiful Disaster

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