Monday, August 11, 2008

Thanking God

I have been praying nonstop for god to show me something amazing, something that will change me forever and he showed that to me today. If you know me and you know what kind of person I am you know that I love my friends, and I care so much about them. Lately me and one of my best friends since I was in kindergarden, Nicole have been arguing alot lately, even this morning when we woke up we argued nonstop about the stupidest things and we argue so much lately that it's starting to concern me. But today as I came home and was putting away all of my gifts randomly I got overwhelmed with feelings of such gratefulness and thankfulness and it sent me into such awe that I started balling and it wasn't bad tears (obviously), it honestly was the happiest tears that I've ever cried in my entire life. The two people that immediately came to my mind was Nicole, and Amanda, I don't really know why, but they did, and then I thought of everyone else and how I've lost some really good friends in my life, or at least people who I thought were my friend, and god replaced that spot with Jesus Christ and because of that I grew stronger with Nicole, and also got new best friends like Amanda, and all of the people at Rock Church. So when god showed me today how he was going to change my life, he showed me that it's going to start with these feelings of gratefulness and thankfulness that sent me into complete and total awe today. I now feel like I can never thank god enough and I don't feel worthy enough to have the things and people I have in my life and I feel so lucky I can't explain to have these people in my life and just to have everything and to just be alive because 11 years ago when I died for a whole 10 minutes I could have been gone forever, but it is truely a miracle that god said he had a bigger plan for me and brought me back. Thank you god, thank you Justin and Amanda, thank you Rock Church, and just thank you everyone.....I feel like I constantly need to thank you for the person you have helped me become! Thank you Jesus for dieing for my sins so I can choose to live for an eternity!
-Christianna Denise Crosby