Monday, August 25, 2008

My Biggest Dream!...

So I have been thinking lately about family, and how exciting it will be when I have my own little family. How exciting it might be to have a husband who cares so much who is truely the love of my life, to raise a child in such a wonderful home around such wonderful people! There are people in my life that I look at and I'm like wow, they are so blessed! These people have made such a difference in my life because the lives they live show me how I can make my life better, learn from mistakes and gives me hope that someday maybe I can make a difference in someone's life and maybe someday I'LL be one of those people that people look at and say wow she is so blessed, maybe I'LL be one of those people that gives someone the hope and inspiration they needed to make their own dreams in life and help someone to grow so much, maybe I'LL be one of those people who helps someone set God and Jesus Christ back into that number 1 spot, maybe I'LL be one of those people that can make someone cry the happiest tears they've ever cried in their life just because you gave them so much and didn't even know it most of the time, maybe just maybe I'LL someday be that person that someone will look at and KNOW that the reason God has set them in my life to give me inspiration, and hope, and to remind me that even when I don't feel loved, I AM because of the Christ who is within me! Thank you God for the family you have spoken through to show me this! (I think you might know who you are) I am not sure if I could EVER thank them enough because they don't even know what a difference they've made in my heart! leaves me in such awe!
-Christianna Denise

1 comment:

Pastor Justin said...

I know if you keep following Christ like you are. You will have an awesome family of your own someday.

I hope I am the one who get's to marry you and your future man and I hope I get to see your future family!

Keep followin Jesus!