Monday, January 5, 2009

Small Stuff

I was going through my things today organizing, getting rid of stuff and found some cards a friend gave me and began to read these cards thinking wow..we've come a long way so fast! Then I started wondering why did God create friends? Well I don't know why but I do know that for me its the littlest things that matter to me. Reading those cards made my entire night! The first time I emailed her, the small group trip to shop how we all had so much fun riding with her, doing her hair in a side ponytale to copy off the other car, her and her own versions of songs when she's being silly, our little talks, when she went with me to get 6 inches cut off my hair, getting a "makeover" before the TRI show, when it was bad outside and she stayed up late to make sure I had a place to go and having bonding time while I waited for the call back...that and so much more....the small things matter to me the most when it comes to friendship and seems to be the things I remember the most. Finding those cards tonite made me smile, warmed my heart and made me think..that THIS is why God made friendship. Thank you God so much for the gift of friendship...its much sweeter than the summer air!

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