Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Future Husband....

Right now my future isn't looking too bright. I always draw attention to the guys who are complete and utter idiots! It's so frustraiting because I want so much better than that! I'm beginning to think that there aren't any better guys out there, and if there isn't then I just won't get married ever....especially if they're like the idiots I've been handling....disgusting pigs, creepers, and disrespectful! I want someone who makes me fall dead on my face when I even think about them, someone who steals my heart in the perfect way, MOST IMPORTANT I want someone who ALWAYS has the lord in their number one spot, I want someone who has so much faith that it inspires me also to walk with so much faith also, I want someone who loves me in the perfect way, I want someone who is beautiful in every way, I want a hottie, and if he could sing and play guitar and completely blow me away with his talent it would make my heart even more complete. I want someone who will not stray from the righteous path god has made for me, but instead someone who will take my hand and run WITH me! What if it was Justin Timberlake...that would be sweet, he's a hottie and can dance and sing!....haha, jk, but seriously I want that perfect guy SO bad! Speaking of dudes named Justin, I really want my future man to agree with Justin marrying us cuz if not then I probably won't agree to marry him, so actually it looks like he has no choice! I don't wanna fricken be 30 and finally getting married....by then I don't even want to get married! My mom is 34 and she's finally starting her life....I don't want to be like that!...but right now I'm not sure I have enough hope to keep dreaming anymore. The days are slowly drifting away, and I'm not getting any younger. When is my life going to start?! What am I supposed to do with my life if I have a passion for nothing but performing?! All I do is dream, but I'm not sure where to start or how to stop. Whoa is me....life....it starts so suddenly but ends too soon!
-Christianna Denise

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