Wednesday, April 1, 2009


(insert wise words about passion)...u might be wondering why this has been left blank..well that's pretty much what my passion looks like lately..blank. Let's hope it returns soon because I am becoming uninterested in everything from social interaction to..dare I say don't beat me with a metal pole or anything...hopefully it will soon return..and then I can sleep, eat, and live like a human instead of a zombie! I'm so lame...not to mension a new face would help.
-Beautifully Broken

1 comment:

Amanda Dean said...

First of all...a new face??? lol, you're so crazy sometimes. I will tell you this, you are only as passionate as you allow yourself to be. HOW do you allow yourself to be more passionate? re-evaluating your priority list and your thoughts, by spending time praying and reading scriptures. I know that right now you say you don't even WANT to read, pray, etc...but, it's kind of like working out...the first week is the most difficult, but then it becomes a habit, almost an addiction.
I would start reading through the Psalms, because David was sooo passionate about his love for God. Then start reading about other people in the Bible who had great passion for God- Shedrach,Meshach and Abendego, Esther (sweet story, just read the whole book of Esther, it's pretty short)- Paul and Silas when they were thrown in prison. I believe that reading in the Bible about others who have great passion will help you regain yours. I will be praying for you!