Saturday, April 18, 2009

Uncontainable Love 2

Tonight I had my 2 favorite kids in the world! Javen AND Paige! Tonight I swore my heart was going to burst with so much love as I watched them play together and as I saw how quickly it took them to warm up to each other. They are both equally as sweet and loving! They both definately have my heart. I wonder if they know or understand...maybe and maybe not but God is teaching me so much through them..its amazing! I will never be able to wrap my mind around the thought that God loves us MORE than I love them or Amanda or Nicole or any of my friends really! I long to know his love, understand it, and I can't help but set a goal to show it in all that I do!
"Let love be your highest goal!"-1 Corinthians 14:1
...I think I've got that covered..but sometimes I just need a little reassurance. I wanna know...How do you know I love you? What can I do to more effectively show you His love and mine?
-Just Christianna

Friday, April 10, 2009

Uncontainable Love

Is it possible to love someone so much??? It’s indescribable, undeniable, uncontainable love! I can’t help but love him more and more every time I see his sweet little face! We spend our time reading stories, playing shooters, learning colors and shapes, counting, cuddling on the couch, ect.. but his favorite thing we do is chase each other around the house. Whether its on a good day or a bad day this little one can ALWAYS put a smile on my face and joy in my heart! If I had to take care of him every day, I wouldn’t even mind one bit! I love playing mommy when Amanda and Justin are busy! I can’t help but wonder what he will be like in 10 or 15 years, and I can’t help but pray that since he has such amazing parents, that he grows up to be a real gentleman just like his daddy and still carries his daddy’s crazy-happy-risky spunk and his mommy’s sweet heart, caring eyes and contagious smile! The more time I spend with him, the more beautiful he becomes to me and the more it leaves me hoping for a little boy of my own in 5 years that I can stay at home wit, take care of, teach and learn from…that is something that makes me feel A LOT closer to God. The thought that he could create something so small that can change your mind, your heart…and your entire life just makes you wonder how much more can He give us to be thankful for? How could we NOT want to live our lives for Him? So my thought of the day is…maybe the way I feel about Javen is the way that God feels about us and the way we are suppose to feel about him too…an indescribable, undeniable, uncontainable love. Any lasting words or thoughts??
-A Future Mommy

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


(insert wise words about passion)...u might be wondering why this has been left blank..well that's pretty much what my passion looks like lately..blank. Let's hope it returns soon because I am becoming uninterested in everything from social interaction to..dare I say don't beat me with a metal pole or anything...hopefully it will soon return..and then I can sleep, eat, and live like a human instead of a zombie! I'm so lame...not to mension a new face would help.
-Beautifully Broken